About Us

We love games and we know how everyone is having our own ideas of the games we will like to play. GamersLab is created with the idea that we want to empower our fellow gamers, including ourselves, a site where we can turn our creative ideas into reality. GamersLab is created for users, regardless of their experience, with ready templates to assist beginners or start completely from sratch for the more experienced creators. The games are ready for export to various platforms, our members can share their creations easily to their friends.

GamersLab is focus on our users and we are here to assist our members for any question. We are so confident with our service that we are offering all new members a 3 days trial period. We are certain you will enjoy the freedom and power to create in your personal Gaming Lab.





3-day trial period

67.00 EUR
Billed every 30 days

Simple and flexible game builder

Different types of game

User-friendly interface

Priority customer support

Early access to new features

Advanced Collaboration Tools



5-day trial period

39.00 EUR
Billed every 14 days

Simple and flexible game builder

Different types of game

User-friendly interface

Support available

Setup of reminder emails



3-day trial period

54.00 EUR
Billed every 14 days

Simple and flexible game builder

Different types of game

User-friendly interface

Advanced Collaboration Tools

Customizable Analytics

Beta Testing Management

Premium support available